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These guidelines apply to The B1M Limited and to all employees and editorial contributors who create content for both The B1M and Tomorrow’s Build networks. Some elements of these guidelines relate to our internal business strategy and are therefore not disclosed publicly on this page.

These guidelines were last updated on 10 April 2024.


  1. Introduction
  2. Personal Conduct
  3. Our Approach - Focusing on the Golden Rule
  4. Our Content
  5. Approach to Paid Content Partnerships and Paid Advertising
  6. Conflicts of Interest, Activism and Disclosures
  7. The Role of Our Investor
  8. Corrections, Updates and Deletions
  9. Gifts
  10. Sourcing
  11. Competitors
  12. Compliance with the Rule of Law


While our business may be continually evolving, our mission and values remain our bedrock at all times.

These guidelines have been developed in line with, and flow from, our mission and values. They aim to give our teams guidance on how to approach their work and what to avoid, and our audience knowledge of what to expect.

These guidelines could never cover every situation or circumstance. They are intended as a “north star” - providing guidance on how we expect our teams to behave and apply themselves.

When a matter is unclear, these guidelines should form a framework for consultation and discussion with colleagues, line managers and the leaders of the organisation on how to proceed.

As a broader fundamental, and in areas where these guidelines are silent, we should refer to the Editors’ Code of Practice, as published by the Independent Press Standards Organisation (IPSO).

These guidelines relate to the nature of our content, they are different to our Video Production Process which sets out how we make our content in more detail.

Our internal teams should read these guidelines in conjunction with our internal polices and procedures. 


We expect the highest standards from our teams at all times.

We should always treat others as we ourselves would expect to be treated. Everyone deserves respect and courtesy regardless of rank, status or position. This extends equally across all persons we interact with - our audience, colleagues, suppliers, partners, customers and more.

At all times, each of us is effectively operating as an ambassador of The B1M and Tomorrow’s Build brands and we must act accordingly. This extends to our behaviour outside of work and the material, actions and/or opinions that we share and express publicly, including on social media.

No situation, regardless of how frustrating or tedious it may be, is an excuse for lowering our standards of behaviour.

We are committed to recognising and encouraging equality, diversity and inclusion. Any form of unfair discrimination, victimisation or harassment will not be tolerated.

We are committed to the fair treatment of everyone regardless of age, colour, disability, ethnicity, gender, nationality, race, religious or spiritual beliefs, sexual orientation, gender reassignment or gender identity or any other personal characteristic.

It is our policy to ensure that everyone is treated with dignity and respect, free from harassment or other forms of bullying at work and, to provide a working environment where employees feel safe, work effectively, confidently, enjoying their work and fulfilling their personal potential.

For our internal teams, detailed information is available in our Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy and our Bullying and Harassment Policy.


Some elements of this section relate to our business strategy and have not been disclosed publicly.

The central objective of our organisation is to make outstanding content that delivers on our mission and values.

This is what we are here to do. Everyone employed by or working for The B1M Limited should be laser-focused on this objective and contributing towards it. 

The entire business strategy of The B1M Limited flows from this objective.

Our business is built on its large and engaged audience. It is our greatest asset and it is critical that it is nurtured, grown and retained.

While we are all employed by The B1M Limited, our ultimate employer is effectively our audience. Without them, we cannot survive.

We must take care to notice when we find ourselves busy with activities that do not contribute to this objective or when we become distracted by activities that steal our time and focus.

3.1 Principles Underpinning our Approach and Work Ethic

  1. Nothing is impossible. Challenging the status quo got us where we are today.
  2. We’re changing the world. It will be difficult.
  3. Your job is not done until the job is done.
  4. Assume nothing.
  5. All of us are entrepreneurs, we embrace that spirit.
  6. Perfect results count, not a perfect process.


4.1 What Makes Outstanding Content

We are continuously assessing and re-evaluating what makes our content succeed. The world is always changing and we must realise that what works today might not work again tomorrow or in six months’ time.

The remainder of this section relates to our business strategy and has not been disclosed publicly.

4.2 Subjects We Cover

This is not an exhaustive list. We encourage everyone to continuously consider other ideas outside of these to push the envelope and keep our audiences engaged.

  • Major, impressive, huge-scale construction, architecture, engineering and infrastructure projects, including buildings, structures, infrastructure programmes, city districts and energy projects.
  • Project-based topics, rather than unanchored concepts or hypotheticals.
  • Trends, where we can clearly anchor around and support with examples of key projects.

On distinguishing between our networks, our internal teams should read: “Distinguishing Between The B1M and Tomorrow's Build”. The key principles are copied here:

The B1M

The B1M covers our world’s most incredible construction projects.

It focuses on major, impressive, noteworthy projects that are currently being built or have recently completed.

It celebrates the achievements of the past and the present, explaining how current projects may shape our societies in the future.

Tomorrow’s Build

Tomorrow’s Build covers inspiring, forward thinking construction projects.

It focuses on major, impressive projects that are currently being built or have recently completed that are doing something different.

Tomorrow’s Build shares that story to help others learn from it.

It does not focus on far-fetched fantasies. It covers new, progressive, outside the box thinking that is based in the reality of the present day.

Every other project in the world could theoretically do this today if they wanted to - the idea, material, way of working is available now. It’s just not widespread.

4.3 Subjects We Do Not Cover

This is not an exhaustive list. If you have concerns about an idea or the direction of editorial content you should openly discuss it with your line manager and colleagues to gauge their opinion.

  • Anything that is clearly outside of the scope and/or realm of construction, architecture, engineering, infrastructure and/or the built environment.
  • Far-fetched concepts or speculative announcements that have little chance of being built.
  • Smaller scale projects - e.g. domestic houses, small hotels or minor extensions (unless considerably notable).
  • False or misleading stories. We will never be involved in perpetuating misinformation, especially with regards to healthcare and/or potential cures to illnesses.
  • Reckless or dangerous acts that clearly show or glorify people in danger on or near buildings, infrastructure or construction sites.
  • Political opinions. No matter our personal feelings, we should balance our views, cover all viewpoints and never take a side.
  • People illegally breaking into and/or climbing buildings.
  • Any buildings and/or infrastructure related to animal testing facilities.
  • The engineering of theme park rides (including steelwork engineering). While we do cover theme park development and construction, the engineering of rides is a distinctly separate industry.

4.4 Areas of Caution

The section contains elements that relate to our business strategy and has not been disclosed publicly.

4.5 Disputed Territory

From time to time it may be necessary from an editorial or aesthetic standpoint to include political maps of disputed territory in our video content. Given the strength of feeling disputes over national boundaries engender, as well as The B1M's editorial focus on construction and the built environment rather than geopolitics, our cartographical decisions will be guided by Mapbox's default worldview. In cases where discussion of disputed territory itself is editorially necessary, The B1M shall label the area in question as contested rather than allocating it to one side or the other.

These guidelines came into force on 19 January 2022; previous videos will not be amended to ensure alignment with these guidelines.

4.6 Content Evolution

We must constantly endeavour to keep our content fresh and engaging, always evolving what we do while remaining consistent to our tone of voice. This is difficult, but is ultimately the factor that distinguishes good channels from outstanding ones.

4.7 Depth of Reporting

The nature of large construction projects is such that most traditional media outlets will be able to cover them quickly with text and images (i.e. in the space of a few hours after their announcement or a major news event / milestone). Videos take time to produce and we cannot compete with the pace and turnarounds of news reporting. We must therefore think outside of the box and consider the most engaging way to cover a subject. We need to go beyond the facts of “what it is” and get to the “how” and “why”. We need to “explain” the built world, not merely report on it.

Where we can become read-in on projects ahead of news announcements we should still consider how to create “explainer” content that goes beyond the reporting of the facts.

The remainder of this section relates to our business strategy and has not been disclosed publicly.

4.8 Tone of Voice

Whether in video or in written text, we want our tone of voice to be clear, informative, relaxed and casual.

In line with our values, we want to present our content in a way that is always clear and accessible to all, without exclusion or presumption of expertise. This is a key factor that sets us apart from many other publishers, particularly in the construction, architecture and engineering sectors.

We must take care to avoid corporate jargon and the dry, stuffy, press release-style language that can make other publications dull.

Language should be developed in line with our Style Guide.

We must always clearly distinguish between comment, conjecture and fact in our writing and narration.

The remainder of this section relates to our business strategy and has not been disclosed publicly.

4.9 The Use of Third Party Material

This section contains elements that relate to our business strategy and has not been disclosed publicly.

4.10 Filmed Interviews

Interviews improve the quality of our journalism, enhance our content and help us get to the heart of a story. Our default position should be to include interviews in all of our content.

Where there are multiple perspectives on an issue, we should ensure that each perspective is represented or at least given the opportunity to be represented in the form of an interview. Where we cannot obtain interviews we should ensure that different views are appropriately acknowledged / referenced in the content.

We should be transparent with our interviewees, ensuring they are aware of our approach and process from the outset.

We can provide interviewees with a list of talking points in advance, but our specific questions would not be shared beforehand.

Interviews could be filmed in-person or online over a video call. Our video and production teams should be consulted on the best practice for each approach beforehand. Where possible, we should provide interviewees with information in advance on what not to wear and on how to position themselves (especially where filming online).

Ideally all interviewees should sign our release form in advance. Where this is not possible or where it is likely to spook or intimidate the interviewee, an email clearly outlining the nature of the interview, the person’s involvement and where and how it will be published should suffice. It is essential that a copy of that email is stored in the project folder.

It is good practice to re-confirm with an interviewee at the outset of an interview that they are happy to be recorded and that they understand where and how the recording may be used.

4.11 The Right to Reply

We must offer a right of reply to those who are the subject of significant criticism or allegations of wrongdoing.

This might take the form of an interview or a request for a written statement for fair inclusion into the video, article or social media post.

Respondents should be given enough information and detail about the arguments and allegations to understand them and give an informed response. We are not obliged to provide copies of scripts or video content - an email or letter with the key points is sufficient.

The amount of time that should be allowed for a response will change according to circumstances including the nature and complexity of the allegations, whether or not the allegations were already familiar to the subject of them, the nature of the subject and their resources, and whether there is a pressing need to publish in the public interest.

To be fair, we should include material that is relevant to the allegations. It is not necessary to include material that may be considered irrelevant to the allegations. If we choose to paraphrase material rather than use direct quotes, the meaning must be fairly represented. Typically we should provide:

  • A description of the allegations in sufficient detail to enable an informed response.
  • Details of the nature and format of the content, including the title if significant.
  • When and where the content will be first published.
  • An appropriate and timely opportunity to respond.

The reply should be reflected in the same content (video, article or social media post) as the allegations. Where we do not receive a reply or where the right to reply is declined, we should acknowledge this in the content. For example: “We reached out to [x] for comment but are yet to receive a reply” or “[x] declined to comment when asked”.

We may wish to engage our legal advisers in advance in some exceptional instances.

4.12 Reviewing Content

With the exception of content produced as part of a paid content partnership (see section 5) or in exceptional circumstances, we do not share drafts of our content or material with sources, interviewees or contributors in advance of publication.


5.1 Principles

The B1M Limited is home to two editorial networks and the lines of business that financially enable them. This includes branded content partnerships and advertising.

Under no circumstances does the operation of these lines of business interfere with the editorial integrity of our teams or influence the content they create.

We retain full editorial control and the final editorial say over all content. This is made an explicit, mandatory part of all contracts that we enter into with paying organisations (our customers). While we are occasionally pressed to remove it, we are proud to say that we have never done so and that we never will.

The B1M Limited’s business is built on its large and engaged audience. It is our greatest asset and it is critical that it is nurtured and retained. When approaching any form of paid content, we must therefore consider our audience’s perspective first and foremost. 

Brands choose to work with The B1M Limited to be featured in highly respected, editorially-led, impartial content that is widely respected and does not pander to their marketing slogans or compromise on integrity. If we walk away from that, we lose the respect of both our audience and our customer base.

Our integrity is why customers see the value in being featured on our networks. Integrity enables revenue.

While agreeing to a suboptimal paid content arrangement may help generate revenue in the short term, it will do long term damage to our brand, affecting audience interest, loyalty and our ability to remain commercially viable.

When approaching any form of paid content arrangement, we should ask ourselves the following:

  1. What will our audience think of us covering this? Will that make sense to them?
  2. Is this story accurate, truthful and balanced?
  3. Have we verified and/or corroborated the accuracy of the information we are provided with? Remember: press releases and press kits from businesses are sometimes deliberately designed to narrow the focus of the press.
  4. Are we telling this story because it is of genuine interest to our audience or simply because our customer wants it told?
  5. Would we use the language we have used in a normal, editorial video?

We will not overlook immoral practices or regimes just to proceed with telling an interesting construction story or to please a paying customer. We have a responsibility and duty to highlight such issues to our audience in an appropriate way and to push back on things that we know are fundamentally wrong.

We should call-out our colleagues where these principles are not met.

It is the duty of everybody to uphold, defend and fight for these principles, regardless of their position or rank in our organisation.

5.2 Types of Paid Content

The nature of The B1M Limited’s content in relation to customers, advertisers, partners and sponsors is clearly marked or announced as “In Partnership with,” “Includes Paid Promotion” “Paid Partnership With” "Sponsored by" “Partner Promotion” “AD” or “Advertiser Content,” if and as applicable.

We publish the following types of paid content, classified as either “Branded Content” or “Advertising Content”.

Branded Content

  1. Video Sponsorship: Integration
    Marked with “Includes Paid Promotion” on YouTube and “Paid Partnership With” and/or "Sponsored by" across our websites.

    This is where we place a paying organisation’s logo after the opening titles of a YouTube-published video under the words “Sponsored By” and include a clearly marked 60-90 second integration about the organisation and its products / services within the body of the video content. The organisation also receives a “call to action” call out in the closing narrated lines of the video and a link to a URL of its choice beneath in the video description.

    While we cannot control or be responsible for third party websites in any way, we have requirements on links and reserve the right to reject any links at our discretion.

    Our customers are given options of video topics they wish to sponsor and may select which content they wish to support, but they do not control or interfere with the editorial integrity of our editorial teams and the content they create.
  2. Video Sponsorship: Social Cut
    Marked with “Includes Paid Promotion” on YouTube and “AD” and/or “Paid Partnership With” across our websites and social media channels.

    This is where we create a short (typically 1-5 minute) video feature on a paying organisation’s brand, project, product, service or research finding. These features are created in a square aspect ratio and include text captions over visuals and/or interviews to deliver the narrative. They are not vocally narrated by The B1M Limited’s team.

    These videos are designed and intended for distribution on our social media channels primarily. They are also published to our networks’ sister channels (Build in Brief and Tomorrow’s Build in Brief) and are occasionally included within written editorial articles on our websites.

    These videos are shared alongside a link to a URL of the paying organisation’s choice. While we cannot control or be responsible for third party websites in any way, we have requirements on links and reserve the right to reject any links at our discretion.

    Our customers may be involved in topic selection, the discussion of themes and talking points but they do not control or interfere with the editorial integrity of our editorial teams and the content they create.
  3. Video Sponsorship: Feature Documentary
    Marked with “Includes Paid Promotion” and/or "Sponsored by" on YouTube and “AD” "Sponsored by" and/or “Paid Partnership With” across our websites and social media channels.

    This is where we create a video feature on a paying organisation’s brand, project, product, service or research finding for publication onto one of our main YouTube channels (The B1M or Tomorrow’s Build). These features are narrated or presented and typically run for 8-12 minutes.

    Shorter cut-downs (“social cuts”) of the video feature are also published to our social media channels. The video feature is also included within written editorial articles on our websites.

    These videos are shared alongside a link to a URL of the paying organisation’s choice. While we cannot control or be responsible for third party websites in any way, we have requirements on links and reserve the right to reject any links at our discretion.

    Our customers may be involved in topic selection, the discussion of themes and talking points but they do not control or interfere with the editorial integrity of our editorial teams and the content they create.
  4. Digital Event (Webinar)
    Marked with “In Partnership With” on Zoom and during the event and “AD” and/or “Paid Partnership With” across our websites and social media channels.

    This is where we host a free-to-attend live digital event (webinar) on a specific topic or subject area. The event is hosted by The B1M Limited and features panellists sharing their thoughts and opinions on the subject matter.

    Paying organisations sponsor these events in exchange for inclusion on the event branding, one of their representatives appearing as a panellist, a short and clearly marked product demonstration during the event and access to attendee data where those attendees have explicitly consented and opted-in to having their data shared. Attendees are clearly informed that they may opt-out again at any time.

    Our customers may be involved in topic selection, the discussion of themes and talking points and will have a representative on the panel, but they do not control or interfere with the editorial integrity of our editorial teams or the questions posed.
  5. Physical Event
  6. Marked with “In Partnership With” on the event registration page and indicated during the event, and “AD” and/or “Paid Partnership With” across our websites and social media channels.

    This is where we host an in-person event on a specific topic or subject area. The event is hosted by The B1M Limited and features panellists sharing their thoughts and opinions on the subject matter.

    Paying organisations sponsor these events in exchange for inclusion on the event branding, typically 1-2 of their representatives appearing as panellists, and access to attendee data in accordance with applicable laws (including GDPR) where those attendees have explicitly consented and opted-in to having their data shared. Attendees are clearly informed that they may opt-out again at any time. Paying organisations may also receive a short and clearly marked product demonstration and/or call out during the event.

    Our customers may be involved in topic selection, the discussion of themes and talking points and will have 1-2 representatives on a panel, but they do not control or interfere with the editorial integrity of our editorial teams or the questions posed.

  7. Direct Email Campaign
    Marked with “Partner Promotion” at the top of the email.

    This is where we send a co-branded email campaign to our email database on behalf of a paying organisation.

    These emails will include a link(s) to a URL(s) of the paying organisation’s choice. While we cannot control or be responsible for third party websites in any way, we have requirements on links and reserve the right to reject any links at our discretion.

    Our customers provide the copy for email campaigns but it is checked by The B1M Limited’s teams before publication. Wording is adapted to ensure that it is presented in the third person and as coming from the sponsor (paying organisation), not The B1M Limited.

    Our customers do not control or interfere with the editorial integrity of our editorial teams and the content they create.

Advertising Content

  1. Banner Advertising (on our websites)
    Clearly appearing as banner advertisements on our websites and is marked as “Sponsored” in email campaigns.

    This is where a paying organisation’s banner advertisement is displayed on one or more of our websites and/or within our newsletter email campaigns (i.e. email campaigns sent by The B1M Limited to its audiences, these are distinctly different to “direct email campaigns”). We have rules around banner advertising. These are detailed below. They are also included and expanded upon in our contracts.
  2. Affiliate Links
    Marked with “Contains Affiliate Links” on our websites.

    Some of our content contains affiliate links, which means we will receive a commission for purchases made via those links. Where our editorial or commercial teams have manually added affiliate links to our articles, we will include a disclosure within the content.

    Advertisements do not reflect the views of The B1M Limited or our editorial teams.

5.3 What We Expect of All Our Customers

  1. All branded content and/or advertising must comply with all applicable laws, regulations, and community standards regarding online advertisements.
  2. Branded content and/or advertising may not display content that is false, misleading, fraudulent or deceptive. It may not distribute spam, harmful code, or other disruptive content.
  3. Customers must be honest and transparent about their identity and their products.
  4. Branded content and/or advertising may not promote discrimination or practices that bring harm to underrepresented populations, directly or indirectly.
  5. The B1M Limited reserves the right to reject any branded content proposal or advertisement or client for any reason at our sole discretion.
  6. The B1M Limited reserves the right to verify the original funding source of any customer’s organisation, branded content arrangement and/or advertisement in any medium.

Advertising content on The B1M Limited’s networks may not:

  1. Stereotype, inaccurately portray, or attack an individual or group on the basis of age, national origin, race, ethnicity, color, religious affiliation, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, medical condition, family status, or disability.
  2. Promote or glorify violence, crime, or obscenity.
  3. Promote or glorify unsafe acts on or near a construction site, building or built infrastructure.
  4. Be offensive or disturbing or likely to cause outrage, general disapproval, or negative opinion within the community.
  5. Constitute, facilitate or promote illegal products, services or activities.
  6. Contain material that is fraudulent, defamatory, or harassing to any individual or group.
  7. Portray minors (or persons who appear to be underage) in a manner that is sexually suggestive or otherwise age-inappropriate.


Our teams must refrain from participating in activity that would compromise their journalistic coverage of an issue. When an editorial team member or contributor has a conflict of interest, they will be recused from coverage and/or publicly disclose that conflict.

Conflicts of interest can include a personal or family relationship, personal financial investment or donations, or working for or promoting an organization they are covering. This is not an exhaustive list.


The B1M Limited is supported by one investor and that investor shares our values. Our investor has no involvement, influence or say over our editorial coverage.


We make every effort to ensure our content is 100% accurate before it is published. We will issue corrections for a factual error or if a typo in the copy could cause audiences to misunderstand the story.

We almost always leave all editorial content live, with notes and corrections as needed. We may, in rare instances, remove content from our websites, social media pages, or related platforms for legal reasons or extenuating circumstances.

Removal will never be at the direction of, or be influenced by, our customers, potential customers or advertisers.


We do not accept gifts or other consideration from companies as a condition or incentive to make a video, write a review or cover a story, whether favourable or unfavourable. Any gifts accepted will be of minor value, and in no way compromise or guarantee editorial coverage of the event, product, or service.


We obtain news and content from a variety of sources. Some of our sources do not wish to be named, and we grant anonymity when we know our sources to be credible and reliable, and that their story would otherwise not be told.

We make best efforts to confirm the veracity of the information provided by anonymous sources and will not include any information we have not vetted. It is our policy not to pay sources.


Our teams may not write, ghost-write or present videos for any competitor platforms or publications.

We do not use videos or articles from competitors as the basis for our own content. We do not embed videos from competitors into our content.

Where we use facts reported by another publication we should attribute them. Where we integrate images or screenshots of headlines into videos we should attribute them to the publisher.


Our teams must comply with the law in the pursuit of stories and content at all times. They must not commit illegal acts of any kind, doing so shall be treated as an act of gross misconduct.

For the avoidance of doubt, our teams may not:

  • Break into buildings, homes, apartments or offices.
  • Pose as somebody else or trick people in order to obtain information.
  • Tap telephones, invade computer files or otherwise eavesdrop electronically.
  • Record conversations without the prior consent of all parties, including internally in a physical meeting or video call.

This is clearly not an exhaustive list. 

We will continue to update these guidelines.