The Robot That Carries Out Site Inspections
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DOXEL, a California-based startup, has created robots that can carry out building site inspections and analyse the data obtained, before passing reports back to project teams.
The firm's engineers have created two prototypes; a rover for internal inspection, and a drone for external surveillance.
The machines are equipped with high definition cameras and “Light Imaging, Detection and Ranging” (LIDAR) sensors - similar to those used by autonomous vehicles.
Above and Below: Doxel have developed prototypes of automated rovers and drones that can carry out building site inspections (images courtesy of Doxel).
"Deep learning algorithms" - which enable the machines to process and evaluate the vast quantities of data captured on site - are used to compile reports on the progress of the work.
As shown in the demonstration video, Doxel’s robots are able to compare survey results with the data from building information models. This allows them to create analyses relating to cost (the 5D aspect of information modelling) and time planning (the 4D element), comparing as-built and model data.
Above and Below: Deep learning algorithms can compare scans with 4D building information models to assess construction progress (image courtesy of Doxel).
In theory, the reports provided can enable early detection of delays or errors during the construction process, and to help eliminate cost overruns further down the line.
Above: Advanced AI can compile detailed cost and time analysis of the executed work. Below: Doxel aims to eliminate delays and cost overruns by detecting problems early (images courtesy of Doxel).
Although it is not yet known when Doxel’s products will be commercially available, the company hopes that its latest round of fundraising - which brought in USD $4.5 million - will bring the service to potential customers in the near future.
You can learn more about Doxel and follow their latest developments here.